Festivals of India
Festivals in India are considered with solemn importance as they
have a natural tendency of bringing people together from all walks
of life. These festivals have colour, happiness, spirit and the
gaiety associated with them. The Indian calendar is dotted with a
wide variety of festivals celebrated through out the year. Tourists
come flocking to India in order to get a taste of these special days
of the Indian calendar.
Some of the most popular festivals of India occupy key positions in
the Indian calendar.
Bengalis residing predominantly in West Bengal along with other
communities find themselves really busy in the month of September-
October as they gear themselves for the biggest festival of their
community. The auspicious �Durga Puja� has immense popularity not
only among Bengalis, but among other communities as well. The
goddess Durga is worshipped with a sacred devotion.
The festival is important as it also marks the end of another
festival called �Navratri� - a nine days� festival, celebrated in
northern parts of India. This festival is a celebration of the
symbolic victory of good over evil epitomised by the burning of
effigies of �Ravana� by �Ram�. The festival is also called �Dusshera�.
A favourite in all the communities � �Diwali� or the festival of
lights is also celebrated by all and sundry. The entire nation finds
itself bathed in lights with bursting of fireworks, forming a part
and parcel of the festival.
�Holi� the festival of colours also seems to impart a beautiful hue
to the nation as all communities unite to splash colour on one
�Onam� is another festival celebrated in the southern part of India.
The festival is mostly celebrated in Kerala where all Keralites
unite in order to participate in sports and festivities at the
famous backwaters of Kerala. The festival is celebrated for at least
four to ten days. It is basically a harvest festival.
�Pongal� is another festival celebrated in the state of Tamil Nadu.
It is a thanksgiving occasion where the offerings are made to Mother
Nature and is usually spread over four days. It falls in the middle
of the month of January. The homes are decorated with beautiful
�Rangolis� right at the doorsteps or backyards of the houses.
The festival of �Baisakhi� is also celebrated with much fervour in
the north eastern and western parts of India and this festival too
is celebrated in order to mark the beginning of a fresh new season
of harvest. Sikh celebrates Guru Jayantis by taking out processions
and having langars and parsads to serve the needy.
The Muslim community celebrates their joyous occasions with a lot of
aplomb and unfaltering spirit. The festival of �Ramazan� comes to a
close with the spotting of the full moon. Throughout the month
Muslims fast during the day and eat only fruits at night.
The beginning of the holy Eid is marked by prayers and grand feasts.
Throughout the nation �Eid� is celebrated with much vigour and
genuine enthusiasm not only among the Muslim communities but also
the rest. Muslims can be seen roaming around on the roads of the
nation exchanging warm �Eid Mubarak� greetings and embracing one
another. They visit the mosques to attend the holy prayers. They
also extend some kind of monetary help to the needy and the poor.
There are many types of �Eids� dotting the Muslim calendar. The
�Ramazan Eid�, �Eid Ul Fitr� and �Eid ul Zoha� are the main. Eid ul
Fitr is an occasion of thanksgiving.
There is another festival called the �Bakri Eid� which is also
immensely popular. Muslims are supposed to sacrifice a goat on this
day in order to remember the numerous sacrifices made by their
Prophet Ibrahim. It is also on this day that many set off for their
final holy pilgrimage to Mecca. Special delicacies are prepared on
this day and prayers are offered at the mosques.
The Christian community brings the festive chapter celebrated in
India to a grand finale with the occasion of Christmas. The birth of
Christ is celebrated in every part of the world and India too takes
on a different shape when it comes to the month of December. The
houses are brightly lit up and decorated with Christmas trees, stars
and mistletoes. Everyone gets ready for the final run up to the end
of the year, and for ushering in of the New Year. Christmas parties
and celebrations keep the entire nation busy till the last day of
the year.
Click on a specific state below to get festivals of
the state.
